Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 3 without Daddy!

Well I am still alive!!!   

So far we have had a sick little guy

and a happy guy who mama got to go with to the Omniplex on his class field trip .( Thanks Nana for watching my sick little guy) Don't worry Aidan mama will take you when you are all better.

Other then that just the usual cleaning, no sleep, daily mama life.

Maybe later when I get some sleep I will come up with more createtivity. ( is that how you spell it)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Anticipating the week without Daddy

Anticipation-realization in advance; foretaste. You reduce the stress of some difficult challenge by anticipating what it will be like and preparing for how you are going to deal with it".


Daddy left this morning to Florida for work for a whole week!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah tough job being out there in the 80 degree weather but somebody has to do it!

We all remember last time what happened when Daddy left.
and this

at least we have our faithful watch dog to keep us safe.

So please remember me and the boys throughout this long week. And if you feel like praying for us do. Keep us safe, healthy and happy Dear Lord this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your loving and stressed out daughter Kelli

Stay tuned for more adventures through out the week...............................

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Family!
and our new little girl Bell!

roofer me
and yes Fly Girl me!
and my Hubby Nate. He is gonna kill me for this one. Funny, handsome and provider for this family. Love ya Babe!
Aidan Cole. Age 5  Mr. Athlete, Quite, shy and tenderhearted. Currently going to school and Wrestling

My Family

Elijah Joe! 8 years old, Mr. Funny Man, carefree and loving. Single and currently going to school and Wrestling


Welcome Everybody to my world, my life, my happiness, my craziness and everything else that happens along the way. I hope you enjoy, don't get offended and have any helpful or encouraging words and most importantly prayers. (no unpositiveness please) oh yeah I don't spell great and my words are how they come out of my mouth. I would also like to thank my other fellow Mommies and Bloggers ( Mariah and April) for inspiring me with this idea. So on with the show!