Monday, January 24, 2011


Welcome Everybody to my world, my life, my happiness, my craziness and everything else that happens along the way. I hope you enjoy, don't get offended and have any helpful or encouraging words and most importantly prayers. (no unpositiveness please) oh yeah I don't spell great and my words are how they come out of my mouth. I would also like to thank my other fellow Mommies and Bloggers ( Mariah and April) for inspiring me with this idea. So on with the show!


  1. How fun! ANNND... I'm your first follower! woo-hoo! Looking so forward to getting to see more of your little family! love you!

  2. Woowoooo...... Bloggedy buddies. I also can not spell and I write how I talk. Girl you are in good company. Excited!!!!
